Free classes


Recover faster from colds and flus and covid with this class for the Lung (LU) and Large intestine (LI) meridians. Purify the body and improve the function of the organs of elimination. Pranayama and meditation—kapalbhati breathing and body scanning meditation.


A safe and effective class for overcoming lower back problems. Never push into pain. This class creates relief of symptoms and also deals with the deeper causes of back problems. Feel strong and supported all day with this lower back class. Pranayama and meditation—belly breaths and circular orbit.


Make changes to your nervous system to release tension, stress and old stuck emotions. Specific poses to help with insomnia, neck and shoulder tension, difficulty breathing deeply and slowly, and releasing old emotional wounds. Experience the immediate effects of feeling calmer and more open-hearted. Pranayama and meditation—3-part yogic breathing and AUM chanting.


Healing for the heart on all levels—spirit, mind and body. This class will bring inner peace and joy into your life. Yoga therapy to stimulate and balance the Heart meridian and heal the heart organ itself. Essential movements for depression, feelings of aloneness, excessive talk/laughter, difficulty speaking or communicating clearly and congenital or chronic heart conditions. Pranayama and meditation—lions breath, hridayakasha dharana, mantra.

Meet Irene.

Irene loves her membership
at Move Yoga Therapy,
but the free insomnia video
above is still one of her favourites.

‘Adele's sleep yoga video has been a lifesaver. I used to wake up in the night and not be able to get to sleep for hours, no matter what I did. But now, before bed, or in the night if I need, I do a bit of the yoga and it's like a reset for me. All the muscles along my spine relax and I breathe more deeply. It's like my body is a spring that gets wound up and needs to be loosened. I've been using the same video for over a year now, and the results and practice just keeps deepening.‘

Irene loves how her membership gives her access 24/7 while raising her young family in Santiago, Chile, especially having quick and effective yoga therapy tools to de-escalate and manage emotions and tensions. Here’s another of her favourites — ‘Mmmm the gallbladder video is like good quality dark chocolate!’

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Unlimited access to the content library containing classes & courses for yoga and meditation to suit all your needs—from complete beginner to advanced yogi. The classes you find most beneficial you can return to again and again. Over 85 hours of classes and 3 in-depth courses and more coming.